How would your business cope if all your data was lost or you were unable to gain access to that data when you needed it?
Fothion is a trusted IT Service provider, delivering bespoke Backup Services throughout Los Angeles to a huge range of organizations. Regardless of the size of your business, you need to perform regular back ups of your data in order to keep your network and your business secure.
Having a clean version of your data, that is relevant, recent, and stored securely in the cloud is an absolute must. This key information can and will help your business to stay operational if you are hacked, suffer a data loss or even fall victim to a serious disaster.
If you do not back up your data on a regular basis, it could end up costing your business a serious amount of money.
Fothion delivers Backup Services in Los Angeles as a singular service or as part of a managed IT Services package.

This issue affects small business owners as much as larger corporations. In many cases, small businesses are more at risk because of their lack of security.
Ransomware Attacks are also becoming increasingly popular. This is a type of malware that grinds your network to a complete standstill and encrypts all data to lock you out of your files completely. Hackers will then demand payment with a cryptocurrency. Only when a ransom is paid, do they release the files back to your business.
Natural Disasters and other incidents can occur at any time, often without any prior warning. If your business had to start from scratch, would you be able to survive? Having core data backed up securely will allow you to recover quickly from any incident.
Peace of Mind If you are hit with a virus, you can lose financial data, product information, payroll data, customer contact details, and more. Having a clean version of your data from a backup will allow you to get things back on track quickly. Without this, you could face a total network outage that could last for days, leaving staff and customers in a difficult position, harming the reputation of your business, and ultimately costing you money.
Fothion Will Help You Create the Right Back Up Strategy for your Business

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(888) 524-6264 (310) 598-7585
About Our Company
At Fothion, we make it easy for our clients to get their data backed up. We provide our clients with a tailored Backup solution for their Los Anegles business.
If you are required to back up data on a physical server due to regulatory needs, we can help you with this. We can also provide a range of Cloud Backup Solutions to ensure you have complete peace of mind that should anything happen to your physical equipment, you can quickly and easily restore your data offsite, and stay operational.
Whether you are looking for a new Backup Services for your Los Angeles business or if you would like to back up your business information to the cloud, get in touch with us today for a discussion about how we can help your business.